I'm behind on my posts here cause I have a great idea but it's taking me a while to post it. I'm going to post a mix I've made of new music that I'm crazy about before I go back to posting some more cassettes.
In the meantime, come to the Land of Kings festival this Thursday and Friday, the 16th and 17th of April. I'm djing on Friday night with Lou and Nova and Rory from Trash/Durrr along with a special secret guest who can't put up with Disco from our millenium so he has to go for the year 3000 (yeah!). We're playing at the Stone Cave from 11 pm (111 Kingsland High Street). It's a freaky cave restaurant so should be good. Also playing at the festival are An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump, David E. Sugar, Serge Santiago, Colouring In, Kathy Diamond, Allez Allez and many more. It's cheap and you can get tix on the day. You've come a long way baby Dalston! You can read more about it by clicking on the picture above which is my first full page article in Timeout.
An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump were ace last night
Awesome blog!!
I cant wait to hear your music
Yo Todd! Not to be a pedant or anything but the year 3000 is in our millenium. 3001 however is another matter entirely...
Of course if you can't spell millennium you shouldn't get to comment.
most good things in life come from those who could be pedantic at times ;)
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