Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Russian Pop tapes from Ukraine part 2.

This is the second tape in my monster Ukraine post which started with the trance comp here.

Just when you thought I was putting out some quality stuff on this blog, I take you back down again!! Having lots of conversations (arguments?) lately with people about taste and deciding how much it matters - seeing how many people evaluate where someone stands in their historical rise and fall of "coolness" of "commercial success" depending on their perceptions of taste. In that conversation I have realized that I am naturally drawn to things which are by definition usually considered not cool or popular - and that's sort of the defining quality of this blog. This is not to say that they have some inherent edgy good taste to them, I am just drawn to them because they are not popular generally. I am sure there is a couch session there somewhere. It's not like I can't perceive what is generally popular, or even popular in a crowd that is fairly hip, it's that I like to try the edges of what is cool - perhaps it makes me feel safe to know that I can test the edges without concern that I will eat myself or go too far and turn into this - something which even I would know has no cool harbor in sight.

So in 1997 this was the face of Russian pop I guess. My friend Dima helped me track down image and videos for lots of these artists. Dima is the hot sh*t in Moscow these days. You can check out his most recent mix for Moscow fashion mag Lam magazine here.

Some of these tracks I do really like, such as the Alla Pugacheva - I'll Come to the Water (honestly, I can't see how that song title matches the video), the Balagan Limited - Bahamas, mama! (which is a Russian cover of Boney M's Bahama Mama) and Alena Apina - Tuk Tuk. Not all the tracks on the cassette cover are on the cassette so I have numbered them as available. Enjoy.

Side A

01. А. Апина и М.Насыров - Лунные ночи - Alena Apina & Murat Nasirov - Moon nights
02. М. Леонидов - Видение - Max Leonidov - Vision (picture)
03. Т. Буланова - Серебристый тополь - Tanya Bulanova - Silver tree (picture)
04. К. Метов - Где-то далеко идут дожди - Kai Metov - its raining out there somewhere (picture)
05. А. Пугачева - А я в воду войду - Alla Pugacheva - I'll come to the water (officially biggest Russian star ever)

06. Русский размер и профессор Лебединский - Глазунья - Russki Razmer and Prof.Lebedinsky (picture) Apparently a pretty funny chav-rave band. Some vids and vids.
07. А. Горбачева - Танго - A. Gorbacheva - Tango
08. Демидыч - Гитара - Demidych - Guitar
10. В. Сюткин - Далеко - V. Syutkin - Far Away (picture)
11. А. Цой - Полет - A. Tsoi - Fly (wikipedia) According to Russian friends, he is kind of an underground hero and was a lead singer for the band KINO.
13. Ляпис Трубецкой - Ты кинула - Lyapis Trubetskoi - you left me. Most recent video.
14. Дюна - Воздушный змей - Duna - Vozdushny Zmei (picture)
Most interesting video.
15. Белый орел - Потому, что нельзя быть на свете красивой такой - White eagle - because you cant be so beautiful!

Side B
01. В. Меладзе - Самбо белого мотылька - V. Meladze - white butterfly's sambo (picture)
02. Л. Агутин и А.Варум - Королева - L.Agutin and A.Varum - Queen (picture)

03. Т. Буланова - Мой ненаглядный - T.Bulanova - My precious
04. Балаган Лимитед - Багамы, мама - Balagan Limited - Bahamas, mama! (picture)
(cover of Boney M)

06. Рок-острова - Не любить не возможно - Rock - Islands - It is impossible not to love
07. Ф. Киркоров - Единственная - F. Kirkorov - Only One
08. М. Хлебникова - Чашка кофею - Marina Khlebnikova - Cup of Coffe
10. Shura - Отшумели летные дожди - Shura - summer rains (picture)
this dude is a super camp freak.
12. М. Насыров - Туда-сюда - Murat Nasirov - Tuda - suda
13. А. Апина - Тук-тук - Alena Apina - Tuk Tuk
14. Несчастный случай - Что ты имела - Neschastny Sluchai - what you had in mind?
15. Клементия - Небесный пилигримм - Clementia - sky piligrim
16. Чиж и Ко. - Тучи над городом встали - CHizh & Co - Clouds over a city


This Friday Durrr is doing its first party in Paris and Metronomy is playing live. I was listening to the new Metronomy album last night and it is sooooo amazing - probably best album of the year so far. After listening to the whole album properly I think Radio Ladio and On the Motorway are my favorites. This is the band to see. And if you are in London Matthew Wowow/Stone and I will be playing a disco set this coming Monday at Durrr.

And next Friday the 18th is the 2nd of our "Come" parties - our secret Dalston party. The last one was just about my idea of a perfect party - fantastic sound system, great crowd and easy access in and out. Pictures here. If you don't know where it is, ask your friends.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Diesel U Music - African radio show

Last month Diesel U Music had a temporary radio station and I was invited to do 2 shows. The first was with Matthew Stone (Wowow) and we did trance/rave music. You can listen here.

This is the second one I did, which was a chance to show the music I usually play at the regular African parties we do, the Manifesto parties. Lots of music on here is stuff you won't find anywhere else and it's fantastic - from kuduro, coupe decale, funana and finally some older central african pop. Have a listen and enjoy.

Download (160 kpbs)/123 megabytes